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Showing posts from 2010

All You Need Is Love

In the immortal words of John Lennon . . . "Life is what happens to you when you're making other plans." Well, that's been my life the last few months . . . . . . oh wait! To be honest . . . that's been the quote for my life during the last 10 years. It's only taken me 50 years to realize "Oh! This is just life!!" Did I plan to get divorced? Did I plan to have a chronically ill child? Did I plan to be laid off twice last year? Did I plan to have 6 surgeries in 3 years? *Sigh* It's okay. I'm alive. "All You Need is Love." John Lennon (Right??) On to 5 Question Friday!! Woo hoo :D Rules for 5QF: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog, answer them, then watch for the link back to Mama M . Feel free to answer in the comments if you don't have a blog or already wrote a post (although, for the record, she leaves the linky open until Sunday, so you have plenty of time!!) 1. If you could be a fly on any wall,...

Madsen Bikes . . . very cool!

How fun would it be to win this?? FUN! Click on the picture of the woman I'd like to PRETEND I look like and see how you could win one of these.

Life and Five Question Friday

WoW ! Exactly a month since my last post and I'm going to revert to my usual "Five Question Friday" staple. Life has just been one cRaZY thing after another since the boys and I were in the play. Here are just a few highlights: I turned 51. Woo Hoo !! I may be losing yet another job (but positive thinking is leading me to new possibilities!) My brother was stabbed and almost didn't live to tell the tale (a couple of flat lines in the OR and a VERY long scar from his sternum down past his bellybutton are evidence) My youngest brother and his family were here for a visit (I haven't seen them since 2007) And . . . I'm set for ONE more surgery on my shoulder. And this will be the last one . . . absolutely . . . positively!! PHEW! I think that's enough for the summer. Now . . . on to the questions for the day. If you want to play along, copy and paste the questions to your blog (or just answer them in my comments area), link back to the fabulous Mama M...

To Be or Not To Be

Yes . . . I've taken up acting . . . or attempting to act. The boys and I have been rehearsing and performing Bells Are Ringing , an old 1950s musical starring Judy Holliday and Dean Martin. We started rehearsals in April and we have done performances every Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Monday through the month of June. We only have 3 performances left, which is bittersweet--I'm tired!! But I'm really going to miss all the youngsters I've been hanging out with. Michael as Blake Barton and Josh getting ready to do the Cha Cha A couple of shots of the old lady . . . oh yeah...that's me in the lovely wig and red coat, too.

Where is the year going?

Is it really almost June? Time flies when you're having . . . a. Car issues. b. Play practice until 10p or later every night. c. Haters for Co-workers d. Youngest child is graduating from high school e. All of the above Things feel out of control right now so I'm hoping some time this summer I'll get a nice vacation. "Calgon, take me away!" Now . . . for 5QF . . . or Five Question Friday . . . or the only time I blog these days :) 1. Do you have an iPhone and, if so, how do you get apps and what are your favorites? 2. What is your fondest memory of K-3rd grade? 3. What makes you cringe at the thought of touching? 4. If you could have any celebrity show up on your doorstep who would it be and why? 5. What would you say is your best physical feature? Copy and past these to your blog, or just answer them in my comments area. Have fun. And be sure to thank Mama M !! 1. Do you have an iPhone and, if so, how to you get apps and what are your favorites? Ye...


It's that time again where I get to embarrass myself with Mama M's . . . FIVE QUESTION FRIDAY (said with my game show announcer voice). Join in. Just copy and paste the questions to your blog, or you can answer them by posting a comment at the end of my entry. Link up if you want to learn more about all these wonderful bloggers!! 1. What is your worst memory of your siblings? 2. What was YOUR naughtiest childhood memory? (Must be something YOU did, no pawning it off on someone else!) 3. Where do you like to go to relax? 4. What was the last thing you won? 5. If you could be on a game show, which would you choose? Here goes: 1. What is your worst memory of your siblings? I'm the oldest of 3 . . . 2 younger brothers . . . that, alone, should get your imagination going! My brother just 15 months younger than myself has created a lifetime of . . . ahem . . . "choice" memories. Here's one: have you ever been poked on the back of your knee, the most te...

Spring has UN-sprung

Everyone here knows the saying, "If you don't like the weather in {insert your hometown here}, then wait 5 minutes." HA . . . HA . . . HA . . . We've had snow storms and cold weather since the beginning of October 2009. I'm tired of having cold toes, blue fingers, and a frosty butt!! Mother Nature is playing a cruel joke on us. 75 degrees for two days and then this is what we woke up to this morning: MORE snow!!! And then as we drove to school and work, this is what we saw: Snow really IS beautiful!!

Spring has sprung!

Since I was such a tomboy growing up, no one would have guessed that underneath the manure, back tag glue, hay, and wet horse smell, that I liked girlie things. I'm not sure I even realized it until I was in my 30s. Who doesn't love flowers, glitter toes, and massages?! Here's what we did today to satisfy my girlishness for the week: The Tulip Festival (my most favorite flowers EVER!)

Grover, and Gaga, and Pintos . . . Oh My!

Five Question Friday here I come!! Join in. It really is fun getting to know other bloggers. Here's what you do: Copy and Paste the following questions to your blog and answer them, and if you want to link up using the Link at the bottom (formerly known as McLinky) so that others can read what words of wisdom you have to impart, feel free. Thanks, Mama M !! 1. What was the first car you owned? 2. What song are you embarrassed to know the lyrics to? 3. Have you ever had stitches? 4. What was your first job? 5. Who is your favorite Sesame Street character? Here's my two cents: 1. What was the first car you owned? This will TOTALLY give away my age (ok, m y previous post did that, not this question!) . I had a Ford . . . wait for it . . . PINTO. Woohoo!! And boy, did I feel cool driving around in THAT! 2. What song are you embarrassed to know the lyrics to? I've mentioned this before, but I DO like Lady Gaga, even though some of her lyrics are a little dicey. So r...

AARP or Bust

I'm only 50 (ok, 51 in 3 months) . That's not that old, but according to my boys "I'm older than dirt" and according to society I'm past my "prime." To both statements I say: HA!!! Of course, most days my knees hurt when I sit too long or when I get up from my comfy couch (OKAY, so if I got OFF that couch more often, they might not hurt as much!). My memory isn't quite as sharp as it used to be; but then, there are SOME things I'd LIKE to forget ( ummm ...the year 2005!?). Looking in the mirror (or through the eyes of my "observant" children, I have more gray hair every day. . . even in my eyebrows! I still have radar hearing, which is terrific . . . except at 11:30pm when my neighbor starts her laundry and then jumps on the treadmill for 45 minutes!! I'm not going to let the world OR my family put me in a nursing home just yet. I'm still going to get glitter toes and dance around a stage in a musical with a bunch of 20...
It's Friday!!! I was looking forward to 5QF and wanted to get this posted early so someone would have a chance to read it, but alas . . . SLACKER! No, really . . . I forgot. I'll be lucky if anyone even reads this post this week because I'm so far down on the McLinky list, but I've been working hard on creating positive thoughts this week so my positive thought is . . . AT LEAST 10 PEOPLE WILL READ THIS. :) So here goes . . . if you want to participate copy and paste the questions. If you want to link up using the McLinky, you can do that at the end of my blog. Thanks, Mama M ! 1. Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life? Wow . . . I get a movie made about ME? Hahahahaha. I'm pretty boring. But since we're dreaming, I'll go with Demi Moore. We have some of the same features. And since we're dreaming . . . I'll just play HER and have that cute Ashton Kutcher on my arm :) 2. Did you ever go to summer camp? I picture summer camp ...

Another Five Question Friday.

Woo hoo! It's Friday. Although the week has gone by fairly quickly, I'm really looking forward to the weekend. Three words: Festiva l of C o l o r s !! We're going to go hang with the llamas and Krishnas :) It's 5QF again. Thanks Mama M . And thanks to everyone who commented last week. That was fun! 1. Did you pass your driver's test on the first try? Not only did I pass it on the first try, I got 100%. And it was scary! One of the testers in our little town, was missing an arm, but he had this large, cold, steel hook where his hand should have been. EVERYONE who had to take the driving test hoped, prayed, lit a candle, or whatever religious affectation they could muster, wishing they'd get any instructor but "The Claw." As luck would have it, I got "The Claw." I couldn't look at him, so I pretended it was my dad, and I passed with flying colors. 2. What is your most embarrassing moment? I must be pretty boring, because I h...
It's Five Question Friday again. How does this happen? I think I'm going to blog something wonderful and profound during the week and I get busy with other things. This week it was being sick again. I don't think I'm too happy about getting old!!! Anyway, have a crack at the questions Mama M has put up for us. If you want to join . . . I'd love to know more about you. Or just leave a comment for me :) 1. Have you ever had a celeb sighting? I've had several. Layover in Chicago O'Hare . . . sitting in a new construction area of the airport . . . hardly any people . . . coming up the escalator an older gentleman bracing himself up on either side of the rails and swinging his legs . . . Bob Hope. My brothers followed him in to the Men's room and got his autograph . . . which I still have. A few others: All the members of Spinal Tap (Christopher Guest, Harry Shearer, Michael McKean); 60's group Jan & Dean; Wolfman Jack; Magic Johnson (I fol...

Five Question Friday

Rules for Five Question Friday: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog post, answer them, then go to Mama M's page and link up (Thanks, Mama M!). How much time do you spend on the computer a day? Will you pay for your children's college or raise them to pay for their own way? Have you ever been in a car accident? What is your favorite book? Do you make your bed everyday? Here are my answers: 1. How much time do you spend on the computer a day? Well . . . do I have to really admit how much? I work all day on the computer and you would think I wouldn't want to touch the thing when I get home. But, alas, I'm hooked on one thing and I guess I WILL admit it here . . . FARMVILLE! I need to get those crops harvested and my eggs collected. So, to answer the question, I probably spend about 8-9 hours a day. That sounds awful!! 2. Will you pay for your children's college or raise them to pay for their own way? I have a unique situation. I've worked ...

Reflections of a Mother

I'm not sure why the death of Marie Osmond's 18-year old son has touched me so. Maybe it's because I've followed the Osmond's since the beginning of their careers and had posters plastered on my "tween" bedroom walls; I was a part of their family. Or maybe it's because I identify with Marie's weight and depression issues. But I have a feeling it's more because I'm first and foremost a mother of two wonderful young men. A mother lost her son to a terrible illness. Mothers in Chile and Haiti have lost their children as well, and I can only imagine all the pain these women are enduring and will continue to endure for the rest of their lives. So this has caused me a lot of reflection over the past two days on my guys and no matter what . . . I LOVE THEM! I love them when they tease me incessantly about my "ranting" while I drive. I love them when they hide in the hall closet and try to scare the pee out of me (that HAS happened!...

Wordless Wednesday: Yummy!

Doctor's Orders

Soooo . . . . Do you ALWAYS follow doctor's orders? We pay big money for their expertise and we sit there and nod our head that we "promise" to do as we're told, but how often do we REALLY follow exactly what the doctor says? Case in point . . . the doctor made me "promise" not to lift anything heavier than 5 pounds for the next 6 weeks or I could possible blow out one of the tendons in my shoulder. What?!? Ok, I can do that, because I definitely don't want a blown tendon. However, upon further scrutiny of this order, do you realize how many things in our daily lives weigh 5 pounds or more?? Here are just a few: My purse. Ok, maybe I should clean it out. Do I really need 2 umbrellas, 1 journal, and an orange in there? When emptying the dishwasher I don't take 1 dish at a time. I stack before putting them in the cupboard. Our dishes are WAY heavy! The laundry basket. Oh no! Maybe someone else will have to do laundry :) My laptop and c...

Five Question Friday

Soooo . . . . I saw this on a blog last week and followed the link. I thought it looked fun, so if you're interested in joining in, here's what you do: Copy and paste the following questions to your blog and answer them. Link this back to Mama M's blog (if you want, but I bet she'd appreciate it!). My answers are below the asterisks. Happy reading; you may discover something new about me and I hope to read something about you. 1. Have you ever hit an animal with your vehicle? 2. When you see a string on your clothes do you pull it off or cut if off? 3. Did you have your own room or share a room when you were young? 4. Would you rather wear the same thing for the rest of your life or eat the same thing for the rest of your life? 5. What was your favorite TV show as a child? ***************************************************************** 1. Have you ever hit an animal with your vehicle? Oh boy, did I ever!! I t-boned a huge deer, totalling my car and throwing the...


Soooo . . . every 6 weeks "young son" and I make a trek up to Primary Children's Medical Center for a 3-4 hour treatment for his chronic illness. And ever 6 weeks I go through the same anguish . . . . . . UTAH DRIVERS! I wish I had an old beater car. I'd put it in "ramming speed" mode and do this: TAWANDA!!

Living with Three Men . . .

. . . . need I say more?

Clowns are Supposed to Make You Laugh

Soooo . . . . I've never understood why some people fear clowns. Clowns are funny and entertaining. Aren't they? This commercial makes me laugh histerically EVERY time I see it. Now I think I know where the fear comes from for some folks. This would have put me in therapy for years if my parents had planned a party like this one.

"The Blind Side" Makes You See

Soooo . . . . I had the chance to hear Leigh Ann and Collins Tuohy speak today; second row in front of the podium (kinda makes you really pay attention when she's looking you right in the eyes!). Honestly, I figured they'd talk all about how the movie came to be and funny stories from behind-the-scenes. There WAS some of that, but the Tuohy's just want people to know you can make a difference in the world. I left the event, not wanting to adopt a 6'6" 320 lb. African American, but believing that I CAN make a difference. All I need to do is stop making judgments about people I see. Is that all??

Coincidence? I think not.

Soooo . . . . I've been transferring all my old scripture markings into a new set of BIGGER scriptures (that's what happens when you get old!). There was a bit of tension tonight while we were all in the living room and some angry words were said. I resumed my scripture marking. The first scripture I started with? Proverbs 15:1: "A soft answer turneth away wrath; but grievous words stir up anger." Hmmmm . . .

"Titanic" only has two good parts?

Soooo . . . I'm sitting in the living room watching "Titanic" for the 100th time, only because I'm being forced (by my loving husband) to stay off a badly sprained ankle and there isn't much else to do on a cold, snowy Saturday when you can't get up. As my loving husband came downstairs, this is how the conversation went: Loving husband: "Oh, you're watching a chick flick?" Me: "Yes. And since you're making me sit here, you have no say in what I'm watching." Loving husband: "Did I miss the boob part?" Me: Disgusted look. Loving husband: "Well, that and when the guy bounces off the propeller are the only good parts." I wonder how James Cameron would feel about that comment. MEN!

Theater or Living Room?

Soooo . . . the boys and I went to see Avatar 3D . . . again. I liked the movie the first time I saw it in Imax 3D, but do you realize it's almost 3 hours long? We went expecting the theater to be mostly empty since we were there in the early afternoon, but who knew . . . it was sold out and the last two seats available were right next to me. The elderly couple looked nice enough and since it was dark and the previews had started, I hollered to the end of the row that we had 2 seats open. Sometimes elderly people can be deceiving. If you've seen Avatar you know there are some scenes that are action-packed and some are emotional. From the first scene where we see the main character in his wheel chair the "movie etiquette handicapped" lady started off with an "Oh no!" and an "Oh my gosh;" not in whispered tones, but in a "I'm sitting in my living room so I can say whatever I want" voice. After the 3rd or 4th "Oh no!" I h...

Blog Naming 101

Soooo . . . after browsing through hundreds of blogs, I started to wonder how people came up with their blog names. I’ve seen people who write from the perspective of their pets (“Saucy and Snooty”) or “The Adventures of the xxx Family” (add the family name of your choice) or NUMEROUS titles about a “simple” life (who has a simple life anymore???). I wanted my blog name to be original (it probably isn’t, but I don’t have time to browse through EVERY title!) so I went back over events of the past 10 years hoping a name would magically pop into my head. Here is a “short” list of happenings: 5 moves (4 different states and 1 move intra-state) 2 layoffs Several beatings 2 marriages 2 divorces 1 Ankle reconstructive surgery (after falling down the stairs for the 100th time) 2 Rotator cuff surgeries 1 Knee surgery (from an injury that happened on the Rockin' Rollercoaster at DisneyWorld. Woo hoo!!) A breast cancer scare 1 broken hand 11 stitches (7 in a ring finger, 4 in a thumb) Re...

Bloggity Blog Blog

Soooo . . . a few years ago, I created this blog just so I could leave a comment on my friend's blog. The past few days I've gone through page after page of blogs (my family says I'm 'blog stalking') and I guess at this point, I feel compelled to really start. We'll see; I don't think I'm interesting.