I'm with just about everyone else I know . . . I'm SO glad it's the weekend! With one exception: we woke up to 5 inches of snow . . . AGAIN!!! I want to hunt down Punxsutawney Phil and strangle the little varmint. I think he lied!!
Here's this week's Five Question Friday, and once again Mama M has used one of my questions (did I really submit this many?? haha). Link on up and join in. I love going through the entries and reading what others answer. At times it let's me know I'm not so CrAZy!
1. Can you drive a stick shift?
I certainly can. The very first car I drove when I was 13, out on the country roads (as if that makes it ok!), was a 1963 Volkswagen Beetle. Then when I finally got my permit, we had an old brown pickup with "3 on the tree" and I learned to drive stick. I didn't realize there was any other option. Now days, it seems like it's a rare thing if someone knows how to drive a stick. I LOVE driving a stick . . . you can be SO much more of a hotrod if you have one.
2. What are two foods you just can't eat?
Green peppers and sauerkraut. Not together . . . well, I guess, not alone either. I love the taste of green peppers but they sure don't like me. I'm allergic and they make me SO sick. Even if there are little pieces of them in something or even if the juice from the pepper gets on my hands . . . watch out!
Sauerkraut on the other hand is just plain AWFUL! The smell, the look, the taste . . . there is nothing appealing AT. ALL. Not to mention I have a painful memory from when I was 5 or 6 years old and I was staying with my Aunt for a few days and she made me eat a LARGE bowl of it because I wouldn't try it at dinner. I was sick all night long after that. Even just smelling it makes me do that disgusting gag reflex. Ugh.
3. Do you buy Girl Scout Cookies? What is your favorite kind?
Yes. And yes. Oh...I have to pick one? Thin Mints . . . hands down!
4. How do you pamper yourself?
This is a rarity. When I do, I get a massage. Have you ever had a hot stone massage? If not, do it! It's one of the best things EVER.
5. What is your nickname and how did you get it?
I just blogged about this. Ever since I was about a year old (maybe younger) my mom has always called me "Tweet." It all started with her calling me "sweet." And of course, baby talk comes in to play and it turned in to "Tweet." Variations of that: Tweeterbug, Tweetie, and Tweeter. But with the invention of Twitter, my nickname means something MUCH different. I used to have a personalized license plate with "Tweet" on it. If I had that now, people would think I'm just an avid Twitter user. I really think I should have copyrighted my nickname!!
Ok . . . your turn!
I was about the same age your were when my aunt made me eat cooked spinach. Actually, she didn't make me eat it, she just didn't realize that I didn't like it. I was too shy to say anything, so I forced it down. I still cannot stand it!
Happy Friday!
Love the Volkswagon......very cool!
I'm a new follower.
Amy's Life
I love the story about your nickname - Sweet is one of my pet names for my girls.