Yee Haw!! It's Friday and that means . . .
I get to pretend I'm going to sleep in on Saturday and Sunday, but I'll really wake up at 5:45am and not be able to go back to sleep! Yay!!
I SO look forward to that . . .
But it also means Five Question Friday . . . which I love doing. Thank you Mama M. If you want to join in, I'd love to read your answers . . . and I greatly appreciate comments . . .
. . . it makes me feel loved.
1. If you had $1,000 to donate to a charity, which would you choose?
I don't know how to choose on this one . . . mainly because I'd donate to anything relating to children. I used to be a pre-school assistant director, and I saw a lot of sad, neglected children. Some days it was hard to watch these children begging for attention and affection from their parent(s), only to be ignored and rushed out the door because Mom or Dad just wanted to get home. Whitney had it right:
"I believe the children are our are future Teach them well and let them lead the way Show them all the beauty they possess inside Give them a sense of pride to make it easier."
2. Snow days: Do you welcome them happily or are they a pain in your butt?
Snow day? What's that? Unless we get two feet of snow, life goes on. And even then, schools and businesses are only delayed 2 hours. Utahns are NOT afraid of snow. In the 30 years I've lived here, schools only closed once (that I recall). I laugh when I read about the two inches of snow in the east and they've canceled school before the storm even hits. Wimps!
3. What talent did you wish you had and why?
This is an interesting question for me. I've tried a lot of things . . . acting, singing, playing the cello (and clarinet, piano, and organ), being on TV, painting, and making stained glass windows. If I get a bug in my ear about something, I'll try it . . . and I'm usually pretty good (ugh . . . that sounds so conceited!). I believe I can be talented at whatever I want to try.
But secretly . . . I wish I could be a backup singer for [fill in the blank]. It wouldn't matter who . . . I just love singing in harmony. (shhhhhh!)
4. Are you a news, politics or celebrity gossip junkie?
All three. My college major was television and film production. I would eat, live and breathe anything on TV. I still do . . . and I secretly still wish I was covering stories at the White House or doing the hand-held roving camera at college football and basketball games. I watch programs and movies and say to myself, "I could have directed that better" or "I could have done a better shot than that!"
5. What is your favorite "cocktail"? (Are you a beer person, a kiddie cocktail junkie, or perhaps your more the "Cosmo" kind?! Anything flies...doesn't hafta be alcoholic!)
Hands down . . . Strawberry Margarita . . . mocktail, of course. Mmmmmmmm.
You're turn!
I am a celebrity news junkie, I can't stop reading gossip sites
Have a great weekend!!
lol @ your snow day answers.. I always wondered what true 'eskimos' thought of us east coasters with our wimping out at a few inches of snow!! :)
I had to laugh at your snow day answer too!
If it snows here in North GA, the whole area comes to a stop! We don't get it enough to be prepared for it, so everyone freaks out!
Happy Friday!