Woo Hoo! Mama M's Five Question Friday has one of my submitted questions. Thank you, Mama!
That's a HUGE thank you to Mama M since it's been a tough couple of weeks for her family after a tragedy hit them. If you're a praying sort of person, they could benefit from them. I know they have mine.
If you'd like to join in, I'd love to read your answers. Just comment or hook on up with the linky.
And here we go . . .
1. Would you rather be on ABC's Extreme Home MakeOver or TLC's What not to Wear?
Easy choice here. I already know how to dress and look F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S!! Thanks to Carol Tuttle and her "Dressing Your Truth" and "Energy Profiling" systems. Check it out.
The only problem with Extreme Home Makeover is this . . .
His screaming drives me NUTS!!
I liked him SO much better when he was on Trading Spaces with cute little Paige Page.
He wasn't so . . . IN YOUR FACE obnoxious!
2. Do you have any tattoos?
Well . . . yes and no. I would NEVER get a tattoo . . . NEVER . . . EVER . . .
Okay . . . that was . . until 6 months ago. It started awhile back. I became SO frustrated with my eyeliner always coming off on my upper lids (I have fairly hooded eyelids) and was complaining to my hair stylist. "Oh!" she said. "I do permanent eyeliner. You'd love it! It really doesn't hurt much at all."
So after several months of asking . . . talking about it . . . waffling . . . I agreed to do it. Wow . . . was I in for a surprise.
It. Hurt. Like. HELL! And my eyes were swollen for days. And I couldn't wear my contacts. And I couldn't wear makeup. And I bruised. Shall I go on? In hindsight, I probably wouldn't do it again. But I have to say . . . I do love them! And yes . . . they are JUST like a tattoo.
3. Do you tell your kids about things you did growing up?
If it's about growing up riding cows, flinging manure, and making forts out of bales of hay . . . YES! Anything else . . . they'll have to wait until their 40s to hear those stories (or maybe their 50s). Haha.
4. If the traffic signal turns yellow, do you stop or speed up?
I always make a quick scan of the cars stopped at the cross roads and if I don't see a cop . . . I speed up. Red means go, green means stop, and yellow means speed up. Right?
5. What's your preference: chocolate or chips?
Another easy answer . . . I don't like chocolate. I don't like ice cream. I've been called "un-American" by co-workers because of this. Oh well . . . if I can have a bag of Salt and Vinegar chips I'm happy.
You're turn.
Have a great weekend!
S&V almonds OH MY Mama M.
I loved your fashion links!
that is all
I'm following :)