I haven't posted in SUCH a long time. You'd think I was busy or something . . . NOT. I just need to get back in the habit. Here's a quick entry since I'm on my way to Texas for the week and I need to go pack! Carol Tuttle does a weekly giveaway with some A-M-A-Z-I-N-G products. She specializes in EFT and and energy clearing techniques. If you haven't tried either, you're missing out! Click here to enter!! You won't regret checking out her blog. Thanks, Carol!!
It's that time again . . . FIVE QUESTION FRIDAY!! Which means it's almost the weekend and I'm doing the "happy dance" for that one! I missed 5QF last week because of one WHOPPER of a migraine that put me in the ER for an IV cocktail that was heavenly. So . . . here are the questions. Hook up from Mama M's page and join this enlightening meme! 1. Do you know what your REAL hair color is? You bet! Brunette . . . with a bit of red when the sun hits it just right. Is that the color right now? Oh wait . . . that wasn't the question. *Wink* *wink* 2. Do you plan ahead for summer, or fly by the seat of your pants? Summer is just like any other season. I go to work. I come home. I go to bed. I get up. And repeat. WHY I don't go on a vacation I'll never know! 3. What is your favorite meal to cook? I have a killer recipe for homemade creamy chicken soup . . . with dill and red wine vinegar. It's easy and it's awesome when the weather o...