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Miss Manners

It's that time again . . .


Which means it's almost the weekend and I'm doing the "happy dance" for that one! I missed 5QF last week because of one WHOPPER of a migraine that put me in the ER for an IV cocktail that was heavenly.

So . . . here are the questions. Hook up from Mama M's page and join this enlightening meme!

1. Do you know what your REAL hair color is?

You bet! Brunette . . . with a bit of red when the sun hits it just right. Is that the color right now? Oh wait . . . that wasn't the question. *Wink* *wink*

2. Do you plan ahead for summer, or fly by the seat of your pants?

Summer is just like any other season. I go to work. I come home. I go to bed. I get up. And repeat. WHY I don't go on a vacation I'll never know!

3. What is your favorite meal to cook?

I have a killer recipe for homemade creamy chicken soup . . . with dill and red wine vinegar. It's easy and it's awesome when the weather outside is frightful . . . which it HAS been for MONTHS! My family is probably sick of it this winter, but I LOVE to make it.

4. Do you get offended by not receiving thank yous?

I didn't think so, until a family member got married a few years ago. I couldn't attend, but sent a nice gift in the mail. It just would be nice to know the gift got there. And for whatever reason, it made me feel like this individual was being spoiled and snobbish about it all. What ever happened to manners??

5. How did you meet your best friend?

I'm sure quite a few people will put this, but my best friend is my husband. We met online, then he did some work for me and the rest was history. But . . . it's always bothered me that I've never had a best GIRL friend. I never have . . . period. That makes me sound like I'm a snob or maybe not likeable. NOT TRUE! I think it just takes a long time for me to let loose and be myself around people and most women just haven't wanted to stick around long enough. I'm actually pretty fun . . . and funny . . . at least according to my husband (and sometimes my boys will admit this!). Oh well . . . maybe some day.

Ok . . . Your turn!


Tiffany said…
Found you through 5QF and liked your answer about your best friend. I completely agree, my best friend is my husband too, it's difficult to find good girlfriends! Visit me at when you get a chance! Look forward to reading more of your blog!
Unknown said…
Just stopping by from the Over 40 group!
Tulsi said…
What did they give you in your iv. I have the same trouble but nothing helps.

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