To get myself back in the blogging "mood" I'll jump right in and do Mama M's Five Question Friday . . . yay! If you want to join in, please do. You can link in or just answer the questions when you leave me a comment. I'd love to read your answers. I promise I'll blog more. I have a bazillion things running around in my head right now that I MUST. GET. OUT!
1. Where did you meet your spouse and did you instantly know it was love?
I used to be embarrassed to say where I met Jake. Before you start thinking of any weird places like a bar (that would be weird for me!) or at the DMV . . . look no further than the World Wide Web. Yes, we met on a dating site. We're not alone. In 2008, over 100,000 marriages were credited to free dating sites, that is a lot of people . . . and a lot of carpal tunnel syndrome! Then we ended up doing some work together on a website project. If you can't work together . . . then could we stand living together? It worked :)
Love at first site (oh yeah...a play on words since he's a software engineer)? I didn't think so for him. In fact, as we left Outback Steakhouse after our first date, he couldn't get to his car fast enough. I thought he had a horrible time. So I was surprised when he talked to me the next day. I think I had him at "let's order cheese fries." For me . . . I think it took a little longer.
2. What is your favorite room in your house?
I don't really have a favorite room. Although I REALLY like the bathroom. Odd? Maybe. But sometimes it's the only room in the house where I can have some alone time. Many times I'll just go in there and read for 20 minutes. One thing I've learned about myself . . . at the end of a day I really need some time to decompress and if I don't get "me time" I can be a little . . . ummm . . . cranky?
3. Can you wiggle your ears?
Sure . . . if I use my hands :)
4. What is your evening ritual?
Does this mean from the time I get home from work or when I'm ready to go to bed? Sometimes they're the same! Ocassionally, I like to just get in my jammies as soon as I get home and become one with the couch. If not, I usually do the jams around 9:30p, do some Facebook and/or blog stalking, then get rid of my contacts, wash my face, brush my teeth, and get in bed. Six out of seven nights, I have the exact same dialogue with my husband:
Me: Isn't it time to turn off the TV/Computer/iPad (fill in the blank here)?
Hubby: You're really ready to go to sleep already?
Me: Yes . . . that would be why I'm in bed.
Hubby: BIG sigh
Me: Even BIGGER sigh
5. How many hours of sleep do you need to function?
I know I can function on an hour of sleep a night . . . I did it once for a year. Ugh . . . NEVER again. I do SO much better if I have 7 - 8 hours a night. That is . . . if my husband will let me (See question #4)
You're turn.
I like your blog, from what I've seen so far. And just the record, I can wiggle my ears only if I use my hands too. =D
~ Tarissa
Are we all trying to say something ? Thats where we get to rest.. Kath' from