Yikes . . . I forgot to do my blog last night, so here is my 5QF . . . speedy version. And Mama M used one of my questions AGAIN! Woo hoo!! Thanks, Mama. 1. Have you worn the same outfit more than one day in a row? Yes . . . yes, I have. I used to think this was the most disgusting thing in the worl d. And my brothers and I would always laugh when m y mom would do this very thing. However . . . the older I get the more often I do. BUT . . . I ONLY do th is on weekends. I would NEVER . . . EVER . . . . . . EVER do this during my work week! 2. If you had to choose any LARGE city to live in, which would it be? I've lived in Washington, D.C., Sacramento, Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, and Madrid, Spain. I love them all . . . for a while. I grew up in a small town and I'm a country girl at heart. But this is a no brainer for me . . . I grew up in the Pacific Northwest. Duh! Seattle would be my city, hands down. I've lived in the desert for more almost 30 ...