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Back to 5QF . . . and sleep.

To get myself back in the blogging "mood" I'll jump right in and do Mama M's Five Question Friday . . . yay! If you want to join in, please do. You can link in or just answer the questions when you leave me a comment. I'd love to read your answers. I promise I'll blog more. I have a bazillion things running around in my head right now that I MUST. GET. OUT!

1. Where did you meet your spouse and did you instantly know it was love?

I used to be embarrassed to say where I met Jake. Before you start thinking of any weird places like a bar (that would be weird for me!) or at the DMV . . . look no further than the World Wide Web. Yes, we met on a dating site. We're not alone. In 2008, over 100,000 marriages were credited to free dating sites, that is a lot of people . . . and a lot of carpal tunnel syndrome! Then we ended up doing some work together on a website project. If you can't work together . . . then could we stand living together? It worked :)

Love at first site (oh yeah...a play on words since he's a software engineer)? I didn't think so for him. In fact, as we left Outback Steakhouse after our first date, he couldn't get to his car fast enough. I thought he had a horrible time. So I was surprised when he talked to me the next day. I think I had him at "let's order cheese fries." For me . . . I think it took a little longer.

2. What is your favorite room in your house?

I don't really have a favorite room. Although I REALLY like the bathroom. Odd? Maybe. But sometimes it's the only room in the house where I can have some alone time. Many times I'll just go in there and read for 20 minutes. One thing I've learned about myself . . . at the end of a day I really need some time to decompress and if I don't get "me time" I can be a little . . . ummm . . . cranky?

3. Can you wiggle your ears?

Sure . . . if I use my hands :)

4. What is your evening ritual?

Does this mean from the time I get home from work or when I'm ready to go to bed? Sometimes they're the same! Ocassionally, I like to just get in my jammies as soon as I get home and become one with the couch. If not, I usually do the jams around 9:30p, do some Facebook and/or blog stalking, then get rid of my contacts, wash my face, brush my teeth, and get in bed. Six out of seven nights, I have the exact same dialogue with my husband:

Me: Isn't it time to turn off the TV/Computer/iPad (fill in the blank here)?

Hubby: You're really ready to go to sleep already?

Me: Yes . . . that would be why I'm in bed.

Hubby: BIG sigh

Me: Even BIGGER sigh

5. How many hours of sleep do you need to function?

I know I can function on an hour of sleep a night . . . I did it once for a year. Ugh . . . NEVER again. I do SO much better if I have 7 - 8 hours a night. That is . . . if my husband will let me (See question #4)

You're turn.


Tarissa said…
~~I'm a new follower~~
I like your blog, from what I've seen so far. And just the record, I can wiggle my ears only if I use my hands too. =D

~ Tarissa
Kath' said…
I am trying to make it to a few of the Fridays questions. I haven't done it for awhile so happy to be back. Loved reading about your life and it seems like each woman so far loves their bedroom. You and another one said bathroom for the same reasons thoough. LOL
Are we all trying to say something ? Thats where we get to rest.. Kath' from

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